1. Every student is bound to obey the college rules and regulations.
2. The student can be fined or expelled from the college in case of indiscipline or misconduct on his/her part.
3. The college authorities can punish or fine any student in the case of misconduct.
4. Unsuitable or showy attire is prohibited in the college.
5. Mobile Phones are strictly banned in the college campus and classrooms.
6. The students using unfair means for cheating during the examination can be expelled from the college.
7. Every student must keep his/her identity card with himself/herself; it must be shown when asked by the college authorities.
8. Leave application form need to be duly signed by student’s father, mother or guardian.
9. Medical Certificate from a registered doctor is needed for sanction of medical leave.
10. Student absent without informing the college authorities more than 3 days will be expelled from the college.